Getting Started

The vuebulma package is made to make Bulma development easier simplify it's learning curve on where and which elements do classes apply.

Developed with/for Vue v3.2.45 and Bulma v0.9.4


This package is still under very active development and is not stable by any means and is in pre-release stages. Feel free to help or report any issues😄.


This package is hosted on the npm registry open in new window, and it's source code is available on GitHub open in new window.

npm install @csc530/vuebulma
yarn add @csc530/vuebulma


Need scoped (or global) import/<link/> of Bulma's CSS/SASS/... when using components. I kept the import of the actual css separate (for now).

Import a component


This is a modular library allowing you to import a component from anywhere as needed. To do such is the same as importing a locally defined component.

	<BulmaHeading>I'm a Bulma styled title</BulmaHeading>

<script setup lang="ts">
	//Import the desired component
	import {BulmaHeading} from '@csc530/vuebulma'

Import the library

This is not the recommended approach as many of IDE code hints (don't seem to be) aren't available.

import {createApp} from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

//Import vuebulma package
import vuebulma from '@csc530/vuebulma';

const app = createApp(App)
//Import vuebulma package to Vue app

To learn more about specific components use and examples please refer to the components documentation

Additional help

If you need help working with Bulmaopen in new window or Vueopen in new window please refer to their respective documentation.