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An a elements. The slot item is a template for the given item in the list prop. The list item is bound to the slot item's data property.



Type: string

Default: nav

the tag to render as the breadcrumb's ul parent


Type: any[]

List of items to render in the breadcrumb. Recommended to be a list of strings or {href: "...", toString(), ...} objects to have a predictable behaviour and display. If the array is of strings then the string is displayed and used as the breadcrumb's href as an anchor: for example "#{stringValue}. Likewise, if it's an array of the aforementioned object the href property is used for the href and toString() method is displayed within the a.

If there is an isActive property on the object, then the breadcrumb will have an active display depending on its boolean value


Type: BulmaAlignment

Default: center

The alignment of the breadcrumbs within its container


Type: arrow | bullet | dot | succeeds | slash

Default: slash

The separator to use between breadcrumbs;


Type: BulmaSize

Default: default

The size of the breadcrumbs