
Bulma Documentationopen in new windowComponent sourceopen in new window

The Navbar component with native click handler to open and close hamburger menus.


  • start-items
  • middle-items
  • end-items

Each of these slots are optional and are meant to format their related items within the navbar. the item themselves are bound to data in the slot.


	<vbNavbar :start-items="items">
		<template #start-items="{ data }">
			<h1>{{ data.title }}</h1>
			<pre>{{ data.important }}</pre>

<script setup>
	import {ref} from 'vue'
	import {vbNavbar} from '@csc530/vuebulma'

	const items = ref([
		{title: 'Hello', important: true},
		{title: 'World', important: false}


If you'd like to pass different types of elements such as HTML or other vue components. You can use the v-if directive to display the correct element.

Example: using dummy list

	<vbNavbar :end-items="items">
		<template #end-items="{ data }">
			<h1 v-if="data===1">{{ data.title }}</h1>
			<ul v-if="data === 2">
				<li>This is not a great way</li>
				<li>to do this</li>
				<li>But works for smaller and static elements</li>

<script setup>
	import {ref} from 'vue'
	import {vbNavbar} from "@csc530/vuebulma";

	const items = ref([1, 2]);



Type: boolean | 'single'| undefined

Default: 'single'

Whether to activate the clicked navbar item. If single is passed, only one item will be active at a time.


Type: boolean | undefined

Whether all navbar dropdowns should have a boxed style.


Type: BulmaColour | undefined

The colour of the navbar.

startItemsopen in new window

Type: any[]

Items which are always visible shown on the left hand side (start/brand) of the navbar. Corresponds to the navbar-brand.


Type: any[]

The items to be displayed in the middle of the navbar. This refers to the navbar-start items in the navbar-menu according to the Bulma documentationopen in new window.


Type: any[]

The items to be displayed in the end of the navbar. This refers to the navbar-end items in the navbar-menu according to the Bulma documentationopen in new window.


Type: div | a

Default: a

Tag to wrap start items in


Type: div | a

Default: a

The tag to be used for the middle items


Type: div | a

Default: a

The tag to be used for the end items.

isTransparentopen in new window

Requires colour to really be noticed

Type: boolean | undefined

Default: false

This will remove any hover or active background from the navbar items.

Bulma Documentationopen in new window

isSpacedopen in new window

Type: boolean | undefined

Default: false

Whether the navbar should have increased spacing around its borders


Type: boolean | ('brand' | 'start' | 'end')[]

Default: false

Determines if the navbar items will have a tabbed style. If true all items will be tabbed and if false all items will not be tabbed.

If an array is passed, the items will be tabbed based on the navbar section names.

For example, if ['brand', 'end'] is passed, the brand items and end items will be tabbed.

isFixedopen in new window

Type: top | bottom | false,

Default: false

Determines if the navbar should be fixed to the top or bottom of the page. If false the navbar will not be fixed. This will also add the is-fixed-top or is-fixed-bottom class to the document's html element.


Type: boolean | undefined

Whether the navbar should have a shadow.

Additional information

Active items

If any navbar item has an isActive attribute it will determine if the item is active or not. Like in the NavbarItem type.

When working with the BulmaNavbar component, you can use the BulmaNavbarItem type when passing in items. It can help render components, dropdowns, or html, while easily maximizing bulma's capabilities



	<vbNavbar :middle-items="items" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
	import {BulmaNavBarItem} from '@csc530/vuebulma/types'
		//If you are going to dynamically render component from component definitions, it must be explicitly imported
		import {vbImage, vbNavbar} from "@csc530/vuebulma";
		import myCustomComponent from "./MyCustomComponent.vue";

	const customComponent: BulmaNavBarItem = {
		type: 'component',
		display: myCustomComponent,
		// to apply component props/attributes, use the props property
		props: {
			customProp: true,
			cutomProp2: 'hello'
	const bulmaImg = {
			type: 'component',
			component: vbImage,
			props: {src: 'https://bulma.io/images/bulma-logo.png'},

	const items: BulmaNavBarItem[] = [customComponent, bulmaImg];


	<vbNavbar :start-items="items" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
	import {BulmaNavBarItem} from '@csc530/vuebulma/types';
	import {vbNavbar} from "@csc530/vuebulma";

	const fancyButton = document.createElement('button');
	fancyButton.innerText = 'Fancy Button';
	fancyButton.classList.add('button', 'is-primary');
	fancyButton.style.border = 'thick #ccad46 ridge';

	const items: BulmaNavBarItem[] = [
		{type: 'html', display: document.createElement('a')},
		{type: 'html', display: fancyButton}

This is not highly recommended as the HTML is basically injected into the DOMopen in new window.


	<vbNavbar :end-items="items" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
	import {BulmaNavBarItem} from '@csc530/vuebulma/types';
	import {vbNavbar} from "@csc530/vuebulma";

	const dropdown: BulmaNavBarItem = {
		type: 'dropdown',
		display: 'A Dropdown',
		dropdown: {
			items: ['item1', 'item2', 'item3'],
			isHoverable: true,
			isBoxed: true

	const items: BulmaNavBarItem[] = [dropdown];