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A container to display an image. Its size is fixed preventing page jumps when loading child image.



The image to display. Recommended to use img element with src and alt attributes.



Type: BulmaDimension | BulmaAspectRatio

Standard dimensions for the image container to be from 16 to 128, or an arbitrary ratio. If an aspect ratio is used, a set width on the VBulmaImage is recommended.

The only requirement is for the parent element to already have a specific width.

The image container will usually take up the whole width while maintaining the perfect ratio. If it doesn't, you can force it by appending the is-fullwidth modifier.

– Bulma documentation


Type: boolean

If the container should be rounder; clipping whatever does not fit into the image. If you slot your own content this prop will have no effect.


Type: string

src attribute for the img element


Type: string

Alt attribute for the img element;


Type: string

Default: figure

The tag to use for the container element.


Type: boolean

Default: false

forcibly set the container to be full width, if

Additional information

The src and altwill be used, to create an img element, if there is no default slot content.